My Looking Glass

If you look up the definition of the word “looking glass” in the Merriam Dictionary this is what you will find

1: a smooth or polished surface (as of glass) that forms images by reflection
2 : something that gives a true likeness or description.

Wait what??? Let me get this straight, all I have to do is look into reflective material and I will see myself?  I’m guessing I’ve been doing this wrong for a long time.

  As far back as I can remember looking in the mirror wasn’t a tool to look in and purely see my reflect but where I was taught the lie, what I saw was not anything but wrong, a reflection of self condemnation .  A large frame of self doubt screwed to the door of not enough. 

Polished surfaces do reflect form back to me, distorted or not distorted how are we to know.  But true likeness?  How can one pane of glass really reflect who I am or am not.


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